So the buzz is that negative ions from salt lamps can decrease depression and improve overall mood and happiness. This is partially true and there has been some research to prove that it helps with depression. But like everything else here in America there's lots of snake oil salesman, charlatans etc.
I was very distressed to find out that Himalayan salt lamps do not increase negative ions in the air. I still like them. The only thing that can prove really increases your exposure to ions is being out in nature here's a quote and a link to a good article...
Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially around waterfalls, on the ocean surf, at the beach and widespread in mountains and forests. They neutralize free radicals. They revitalize cell metabolism. They enhance immune function.
So now that it really feels like spring in Florida, start right now today getting outside. Take a walk, sit in your backyard... whatever you can do....and do it every single day. Much success has occurred when people decide to do this consistently. It's right in front of you and it's easy.